Opt-In Leads Capture
Are you looking to funnel your prospects? This feature offers a FREE e-book in exchange for capturing e-mails. Build your e-mail list easily with this feature! Follow up with a Newsletter Series for the best results.
Commonly Asked Questions
Q: Can I send a mass email to all my e-book subscribers?
Yes! Sending a monthly newsletter to all your e-book subscribers is a great way to stay in touch. To learn more about our newsletter feature, watch the following video at https://www.loom.com/share/3de36f096afe475fb7575d54b2b6f728?sharedAppSource=team_library
Q: Will customers automatically get the e-book or do I have to send it myself?
Your subscribers will be able to automatically download the e-book once they submit their name and e-mail. You will not need to send it to them.
Q: What are the e-book options for the leads capture.
You can choose from any one of these ebooks at https://www.doterra.com/US/en/ebooks.
Q: What do I do after someone opts into my e-book leads capture?
You can reach out to your subscribers via a Newsletter Series if you have one. Some people send a newsletter once a week for five weeks and others send a newsletter with general information once a month. You could also offer a class via the Online Classes Landing Page that correlates with e-book subject.
Q: Can I include a different opt-in leads capture provider?
Yes, some have embedded Mailchimp, AWeber, Dubsado, Synduit, or mailerlite as their leads capture e-mail collecting service. However, the website we make for your does come with a newsletter feature you can use to help consolidate your business.
Q: How do I change out the e-book?
Watch the following tutorial to learn how to swap out your e-book regularly to have fresh content on your website. https://www.loom.com/share/2238dcd730774891b0db92db88fca45e.
Q: Does my leads capture have an e-book or can it be something else, like a quiz?
You can switch your leads capture to anything else you would like on your own. We do offer a quiz we can add for an additional fee. To learn more about the quiz add on feature visit https://www.loom.com/share/cab7f5d899a84b97ae3443fae6cebfa4?sharedAppSource=team_library
Maintenance Updates
Oil Quiz Leads Capture - $25
Hi Everyone! doTERRA rolled out a fun oil quiz and we have found a way to incorporate it into your website as a leads capture! Your leads will be added into your website's new upgraded CRM system. Woohoo! And you can reach out to them for follow up.
Watch the demo below to see what it would look like on your website.
The video also shows how you can add quizzes onto your site for lead captures.
If you would like us to add it to add this Oil Quiz Leads Capture to your website, email us at support@practicalwebsitedesign.com and we will send you an invoice for $25. First come, first served. Enjoy!
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