Zimmer FAQ System Integration
Do you already have Lisa Zimmer's FAQ System for Customers and/or Builders? If so, we can get the FAQs added to your website! This is perfect for reaching anyone on your team that is not Facebook. Have your FAQs available on a platform where the content is always there and team members can be supported 24/7!
Commonly Asked Questions
Q: Can I get the FAQs added without the Members Only Access Site?
No, the password protected Members Only Access Site is a requirement set by Lisa Zimmer when adding FAQs to any website platform.
Q: Can I add Lisa Zimmer’s FAQs to the site myself?
Yes. If you would prefer us to do it for you, we can.
Q: Can I add my own videos and graphics to the FAQs?
Yes, you can add any videos that have a url link such as youtube, vimeo, or loom recordings. You can also upload any documents or graphics you would like.
Q: Can I make update/changes the FAQs
Yes, 100% of the website can be modified or changed by you.
Q: How much are the FAQs and where do I buy them?
We will upload the FAQs for FREE with any new Complete or VIP Package as long as you first purchase them www.lisazimmer.net. If you purchase the FAQs from Lisa Zimmer after website delivery then it is $75 each to get added.
Q: Can I use the FAQs for the Canada, Australia, or Europe markets?
Yes, you will just need to edit the content where applicable to make sense for your market. You'll be able to easily made changes on our super user friendly editing platform.
Q: My FAQs are out of order, forward or backwards, or showing on the main page...
Everyone has the same problem with the faqs showing Previous and Next backwards. This is a STRIKINGLY coding issue which they are working on but have not been able to resolve to date. If the FAQs are showing on your main page blog make sure you select 'Essential Oils' as the blog category to display instead of 'All Categories'.
Q: How do I make updates/changes to the FAQs?
Click HERE to learn how to edit the FAQ Pages.
Announcements & Maintenance Updates
MAR 2020 - Maintenance Update
Customer & Builder FAQ Posts Update ($50 each/ $100 both)
If you do a search in this group, you will find a tutorial video on how to make edits and changes to your FAQ section. However, if you'd rather us just do it for you, just comment below or send an email to support@practicalwebsitedesign.com and we will send you an invoice for $50 each or $100 both.
The price for FAQ updates is $75 each, but for a limited time we will do it for $50 each if you already purchased the FAQ's on your website package before.
If you do not have the Customer FAQ system on your website yet and would like them, please follow these instructions.
Step 1: Order the FAQ System for Customers from Lisa Zimmer at https://www.lisazimmer.net/us-trifolds-faqs-biztools for $49.
Step 2: Send an email to support@practicalwebsitedesign.com requesting the Customer or Builder FAQ System to be added to your website for $50 each/$100 both. Please note, this special pricing is for those requesting this service in the month of March.
Please note, this is NOT a required doTERRA Update so this will not be automatically updated on your website. If you would like this update, please comment below or send an e-mail to support@practicalwebsitedesign.com requesting an invoice for $50 each/$100 both or if you have a maintenance retainer let us know and we can deduct it from there.
If your website has not been delivered yet as of March 21, 2020 and have ordered the Complete or VIP Package then we will add them to your website for FREE if you previously purchased the faq systems from Lisa Zimmer. Please complete the following steps to claim:
Step 1: Go to www.practicalwebsitedesign.com to order the Complete or VIP Package. (If you haven't already)
Step 2: Order the FAQ System for Customers from Lisa Zimmer at https://www.lisazimmer.net/us-trifolds-faqs-biztools for $49 each.
Step 3: Send an email to support@practicalwebsitedesign.com providing a screen shot or proof of purchase and requesting the Customer or Builder FAQ System to be added to your website for FREE.
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